Surprising Things Covered by Home Insurance

You know your homeowner’s policy protects your investment in your home. However, there are some surprising things you may not know are covered by home insurance. We offer homeowner’s insurance to the metro Detroit area at Guy Hurley McNeil in Rochester Hills, MI. 

Identity Theft

Most homeowner’s policies offer protection from identity theft and online fraud. This has been the standard for about ten years, but most homeowners don’t realize they have this type of coverage. Your policy may cover lost wages, legal expenses, and other expenses associated with identity theft. 

Spoiled Food 

You may know that your homeowner’s policy covers your personal belongings. However, you may not know that this includes the food in your fridge. 

If food becomes spoiled due to a power outage, fire, or other covered event, your policy will pay to restock your fridge and freezer. 

Living Expenses 

Imagine your home is damaged by fire, and you have to live somewhere else until the damage is repaired. If your home is temporarily unlivable or destroyed, your homeowner’s policy will pay for your living expenses until you can get back into it. This includes rent or hotel room and food costs. 

New Door Locks 

You may be aware your homeowner’s policy covers theft and vandalism. If items are stolen, your policy will cover their value. You are also covered if your window or door is broken in a burglary. However, you may not know it also covers new door locks if they are damaged during a break-in. 

Homeowner’s Insurance at Guy Hurley McNeil

If you need a homeowner’s policy or want to upgrade your existing coverage, contact Guy Hurley McNeil in Rochester Hills, MI. Our experienced agents are here to help you select the best policy for your needs.