Single-Family Home vs. Townhomes When Looking to Purchase

Determining what type of home works for you and your lifestyle is vital, especially if you want to purchase a new home. Some of the most common dwellings available include single-family homes and townhomes. Both offer very different experiences while still being able to give you the square footage you’re looking for in a home.


When it comes to convenience, you can always expect a townhome to be available and conveniently located in or near the city. For those who deem it necessary to live close to shopping centers and even have a short commute to their jobs in the city, a townhome may be the right option. They are built to save space in neighborhoods in these areas. Single-family homes can be found in these areas, but they are more likely to be built in suburban or rural areas. 


When it comes to privacy, single-family homes are the clear winner. These properties do not share walls with others and even have separate yard space away from your neighbors. For townhomes, they aren’t as private. You share walls with at least one neighbor, and if your home is in a large row, you can share walls and space with neighbors on both sides. This means you have less yard space and more patio area that is easily seen and heard by your neighbors. 

Property Maintenance

Because townhomes share walls and have smaller properties, your property maintenance is less than a single-family home. Townhomes are usually associated with an HOA that will cover these maintenance expenses and are great for those who aren’t going to spend a lot of time at home. Single-family homes put full responsibility on you, as the homeowner, for the structure and the yard. 

If you need home insurance in the Rochester Hills, MI, area, contact our team at Guy Hurley McNeil today for more information.