3 Reasons Why You Should Prioritize Home Insurance in 2021

Most people brush off the importance of having a homeowner’s insurance policy, but if you want to protect your home against damages, be wise and get it. Homeowner’s insurance provides coverage for hazards and perils, including vandalism, fire, theft, riots, windstorm, and hail’s property damage. If you are in Rochester Hills MI, Guy Hurley McNeil Agency provides a range of coverage options for homeowner’s insurance.

Reasons Why You Should Get Home Insurance in 2021

Insuring your home from damages is essential to protect you from financial strain and the emotional impact of damages that need expensive repairs and to add value to your home. The following are reasons why you need to prioritize home insurance in 2021.

Emergencies Are Hard To Plan For

Home insurance protects your home from damages caused by natural disasters like cyclones, tornados, fires, or hurricanes. If any of this happens, or you get robbed, you need insurance to help with reimbursement for damages. Emergencies are unforeseen, so it’s best to be prepared and invest in protecting your home and hard-earned assets.

Repairs are Costly

In the event of a fire to your home, the repairs needed could be very costly. Home insurance helps cover personal liabilities, property damage, medical expenses, and additional living expenses. If your home is inhabitable due to damages from a covered loss, you get reimbursement for additional living costs.

For Peace of Mind

Home insurance is a crucial expense that offers you peace of mind knowing that you are ready for whatever disaster might strike your home. It is a proactive way to protect your home from unforeseen calamities and uncertainties that cause financial strains.

Some things are beyond your control as a homeowner, so give your home the protection it needs with homeowner’s insurance. If you are looking for a home insurance policy in Rochester Hills, MI, contact Guy Hurley McNeil Agency Inc. for affordable quotes or call for consultation on the different types of policies.

What was included with the auto insurance reform in Michigan?

Those that are in the Rochester Hills, MI area are going to want to own a car to get around the area. This typically also requires that you have auto insurance. When looking for a new auto insurance plan here, it is important to consider the recent Michigan auto insurance reform. This reform included notable changes to law and coverage options in the state.

Prior Personal Injury Protection Requirements

Similar to other states, those that want to drive a car in Michigan need to have liability insurance. This state also included a requirement to have Personal Injury Protection, or PIP, the coverage that ultimately provides unlimited insurance coverage if someone is injured in an accident. While this provides great coverage, it can also be expensive to have as there is ultimately not a cap on what coverage can be provided in a bad accident. This has made auto coverage expensive for many drivers.

Reformed Personal Injury Protection

A big change with the Michigan insurance law is that there are now insurance policy caps when it comes to PIP. When a car owner has selected a new policy, there will have several PIP insurance caps to choose from and the legal requirement for coverage has been lowered considerably. Those that are going to build a new plan will be able to choose a PIP that provides them with comfort and allows for premiums that fit within their budget.

If you would like to get an auto insurance plan in the Rochester Hills, MI area, it would be a good idea for you to work with Guy Hurley McNeil. The team with Guy Hurley McNeil understands the laws around auto insurance in Michigan and can help to explain to you how insurance reform impacts your requirements and help you build an ideal plan.

How is Homeowners Insurance Reform Relevant for Michigan Homeowners?

By law, Rochester Hills, MI homeowners do not have to carry homeowners insurance, nor are there any regulations of rates. However, lenders often require homeowners to purchase insurance coverage to protect their investment in your home. But, again, without any state regulation, insurance companies can set their rates without following any established guidelines. 

While waiting for reform, call the experts at Guy Hurley McNeil, who understand the importance of homeowners insurance and help get you the coverage you need. 

Relevance of Home Insurance Reform

Many states, such as Florida and Colorado, have created changes in how insurance companies operate. Changes include regulating how much homeowners pay for their insurance coverage. However, Michigan does not have many guidelines or requirements in place for purchasing home insurance policies. Ultimately, insurance companies are not regulated by the state, and because of this, Michigan residents may not be as impacted by insurance reform as residents in other states. 

Michigan Homeowners Insurance Laws

Homeowners insurance is not required by law in Michigan. Because of this, insurance agents must guide and advise Rochester Hills, MI, residents about the different types of coverage to fit their homeownership and insurance needs. However, those financing a home, townhouse, or condominium may be required by the lender to carry a homeowners insurance policy. 

Possible Changes

Possible changes associated with home insurance reform include new regulations to protect both lenders and homeowners. Protection for lenders may impose penalties for borrowers who do not carry a homeowners insurance policy while mortgaging their home. Protector for homeowners may include premiums being regulated, including setting an amount policies can increase each year. 

Those with questions about home insurance reform should call the experts at Guy Hurley McNeil to determine how they could be affected. 

Changes Coming To Auto Insurance: What You Should Know

If you are a Michigan driver, you may have heard of the Michigan Auto Insurance Reform. This is a new law that went into effect in July 2020. Understanding these new auto insurance laws is essential to your safety and your auto insurance budget. At Guy Hurley McNeil, serving Rochester Hills, MI, we want to help you make good insurance choices. Keep reading to learn more about Michigan Auto Insurance Reform and how it can affect you. 

What Is The Michigan Auto Insurance Reform?

The reform is a set of new laws in place governing auto insurance in Michigan. The part of the reform which will most affect your insurance budget, however, is the No-Fault Insurance Reform Law. This law makes it mandatory for drivers to carry no-fault insurance but allows for great flexibility. Under this law, drivers can choose from four levels of PIP coverage.

Why Is This Changing?

In the past, Michigan required that all drivers carry unlimited personal injury protection insurance or PIP. Over the years, this requirement made insurance costs rise higher and higher, making Michigan auto insurance rates the 4th highest in the country. 

Under the new law, individuals will have the right to choose levels of PIP insurance. Unlimited coverage is still available, but for those who do not wish to carry unlimited coverage, you will be able to choose a less expensive package. This can help you save on your personal auto insurance, and over time it can help to bring auto insurance costs down in general as well. 

If you would like to learn more about these important changes, please contact us at Guy Hurley McNeil, serving Rochester Hills, MI. 

Michigan’s No Fault Auto Insurance Reform Cuts Funding to Car Accident Survivors

Michigan is considered to have the most expensive auto insurance in the country. As such, Michigan lawmakers have been working on auto insurance reform bills since 2019, to reduce the costs of car insurance. With this legislation however, there have been some unfortunate trickle effects on Michigan residents. The new auto insurance reform laws are resulting in a loss of funding of benefits to Michigan car accident survivors. 

The end result is that Michigan residents that need their benefits to continue after a car accident are seeing dramatic cuts to their car accident payouts. At Guy Hurley McNeil serving Rochester Hills, MI, we want you to be covered in every event that may impact your car insurance.

Who is Impacted Under Michigan’s Auto Insurance Reform?

Both beneficiaries and the services they use are being impacted by Michigan’s auto insurance reform. Insurance companies are not. This is how your auto insurance premiums are being reduced, which is what the reform is all about.

To start, Michigan residents that have been injured in a car accident and are receiving benefits for care will see a reduction in reimbursements rates by 45 percent. That means that the centers that serve accident victims will be reimbursed 55 percent of what they were receiving in January 2019. That will be in effect July 1, 2021.

Will There be a Reform to Auto Reform?

Some lawmakers are concerned about the impact this reform is having on Michigan residents and businesses. Some are saying that some rehabilitation services will not be able to survive this loss of funding.

In addition to the burdens now placed on accident victims that paid for their premiums at higher rates years ago, rehabilitation centers are experiencing budget cuts and job losses as a result of this reform.

There are two bills working their way through the Michigan state legislature that could prevent these changes. Those are SB 314 in the Senate and House Bill 4486.

Get a Quote for Auto Insurance

At Guy Hurley McNeil serving Rochester Hills, MI, we want you to be covered for every event that will impact your car insurance. Contact us for a quote and to talk about what this auto reform means for you and your family.

Is Home Insurance Reform on the Horizon?

Homeowner’s insurance should provide various benefits for Michigan homeowners but is often heavily debated and under constant examination. That’s why we at Guy Hurley McNeil have taken a few moments to examine the potential for reforms and how, if they do come, they will help homeowners who feel like their policies are not good enough for the money that they pay for them.

Are Reforms on the Horizon?

In Rochester Hills, MI, home insurance is often dictated by many different factors. However, many in the state have struggled against options like no-fault (which is most commonly an auto insurance factor) and other unique problems that impact how insurance is priced and how policies are decided. As a result, the state’s lawmakers are often heavily debating different reforms that they may pass.

Unfortunately, the state’s uniquely balanced nature between Republicans and Democrats means that few laws ever get passed that benefit the average person. When the Republican-majority House or Senate passes a bill, a Democrat governor may veto it or vice versa. These issues impact homeowners and make it more difficult for them to get the insurance protection they deserve.

How Reforms Would Help

Home insurance reforms could help cut back on expensive costs and expand what these policies cover. Many lawmakers are pushing for such changes throughout the state, hoping to make it simpler for low-income homeowners to find policies that meet their needs without costing too much money.

So if you live in Rochester Hills, MI, and need high-quality home insurance, please contact us at Guy Hurley McNeil right away to learn more. We keep track of all of the different laws in the state and seek to ensure that you get the best policies. Our team is skilled at streamlining your insurance situation and ensuring that you are fully covered in a way that others may not provide for you.

What is auto insurance reform?

Your auto insurance plan in Rochester Hills, MI may qualify for a discount, thanks to new auto reform policies. The state of Michigan has adopted new laws that now allow car owners to forgo purchasing personal injury protection (PIP) if they have a qualifying health insurance plan. The agents at Guy Hurley McNeil can provide a full explanation as to how auto insurance reform can positively impact your policy. 

Why is PIP coverage required?

Michigan is a no-fault state, which means that all drivers must have insurance that pays for personal medical bills. You cannot necessarily sue the driver who rear-ended you for personal injury in Rochester Hills, MI. 

Personal injury protection (PIP) provides the coverage needed to pay for your medical expenses regardless of whether you caused an accident. Generally speaking, Michigan drivers must furnish proof of PIP coverage that pays at least $25,000 for damages. 

Changes to the rules

Under the new auto insurance reform laws, drivers with health insurance through their employers may qualify for a waiver of the required PIP coverage. Those seniors with Medicare may also be able to forgo coverage. 

Not everyone with health insurance qualifies for a PIP waiver. Individuals with high deductibles, for instance, may still need to have a plan. It is not best to assume that your health plan qualifies you for a PIP waiver. You should speak with a professional in the auto insurance field before dropping your plan. 

Call Guy Hurley McNeil for help!

We are experienced in auto insurance and can thoroughly explain how the new auto insurance reform laws impact you and your indemnity policy. Call Guy Hurley today to see if you can save money on PIP coverage. 

How to deal with large home insurance claims

How to deal with large home insurance claims

Large home insurance claims can be stressful, messy, and confusing. However, it’s imperative that you know what to do when dealing with a significant disaster claim. Remember how fast you act determines how soon you get back to your normal life. Here is what Guy Hurley McNeil recommends doing to get full compensation for your loss.

Review your policy

Every Rochester Hills, MI insurance company has its own way of dealing with insurance claims. Fortunately, everything is well outlined in your insurance policy document. First, you need to know whether the damage or loss is covered in your insurance policy. Next, you need to check the coverage limits to know the amount you will receive as compensation.

Salvage the situation

If you can still do something to prevent further loss without endangering your life, then do it.  As you do so, don’t throw anything away. Take photos if possible, close taps if any are open, and move items you think will get damaged either by fire or water.

Document the damage

The most important thing you can ever do after a big accident at home is document the damage or loss. Take photos and videos showing damage. This will act as evidence, and your insurance company’s adjuster may not interfere with the loss. Have a list of damaged items, year of purchase, and price.

Avoid making assumptions

Assumptions can be costly in large home insurance claims. Therefore, never assume something is covered or not covered. If your Rochester Hills, MI company rejects a claim, it doesn’t mean it’s not covered. Be wise and follow up to make sure you are not being downplayed.

Whether it is fire, theft, or natural disasters, they all touch your softest spot—your family and property. When under extreme personal stress, it’s easy to lose focus and mess up with the claim process. But with a well-organized claim, you can get back everything that belongs to you. For more guidance, contact Guy Hurley McNeil today!

What is auto insurance reform?

Michigan’s new auto reform law went into effect on July 1, 2020. The new measure gives auto owners in Rochester Hills, MI more options in terms of personal injury protection (PIP). The agents at Huy Hurley McNeil can help you understand how the new auto reform law affects your budget and lifestyle. 

What does the new auto reform law change?

The new auto reform law gives individuals in Michigan the choice to opt-out of personal injury protection. Michigan is a no-fault state, which typically means drivers are responsible for their own medical bills and wages lost regardless of who is at fault in an accident. 

In past times, Michigan as a no-fault state meant PIP coverage was required. The new auto reform law, however, makes it possible for those who have health insurance through an employer to opt-out of purchasing the additional protection. 

Who else qualifies to opt-out of PIP coverage?

Those who have Medicare insurance in Rochester Hills MI may also choose to opt-out of PIP coverage. All health insurance policies, regardless of whether or not they are provided by an employer, require deductibles of $6,000 or less to meet the PIP opt-out standards. 

How does the new auto reform law apply to your situation?

The new auto reform law may save money if you qualify to opt-out of PIP coverage in Rochester Hills, MI. It is best, however, to speak with an insurance agent at Guy Hurley McNeil before deciding to go without protection. 

Call Guy Hurley McNeil today to learn more about Michigan’s new auto reform law and to get started with a quote for auto insurance!

3 Tips for Buying Home Insurance in Rochester Hills, MI

Insuring your home in Rochester Hills, MI should be a top priority. Your home is a valuable asset and one that you don’t want to lose due to a lack of insurance. Protect your home with a home insurance policy in the event something goes wrong. Not sure where to start? Read on to learn more about buying home insurance in Rochester Hills, MI.

1. Work with a Reputable Agent

The first order of business when shopping for a new home insurance policy is to contact a reputable insurance agent. He or she will ask you some questions to find the right quotes to compare. This is a great time to ask all your questions about coverage vs. cost. From here, you’ll compare quotes to find the right policy for your needs.

2. Compare Several Quotes

It is recommended to compare several home insurance quotes before making a decision. Your reputable agent from Guy Hurley McNeil will help you with this. Keep in mind that insurance policies differ when it comes to coverage and price so be sure to review as many quotes as necessary before finding the right one.

3. Bundle Your Policies

Another thing a reputable agent can help you with is bundling your new home insurance policy with your other policies. The carrier you choose to do this with might be one you’ve been working with for years, or you may happen upon a better opportunity and decide to switch carriers. 

To learn more about purchasing a home insurance policy, contact the team at Guy Hurley McNeil. Our reputable agents are standing by right now to take your call.