How is Homeowners Insurance Reform Relevant for Michigan Homeowners?

By law, Rochester Hills, MI homeowners do not have to carry homeowners insurance, nor are there any regulations of rates. However, lenders often require homeowners to purchase insurance coverage to protect their investment in your home. But, again, without any state regulation, insurance companies can set their rates without following any established guidelines. 

While waiting for reform, call the experts at Guy Hurley McNeil, who understand the importance of homeowners insurance and help get you the coverage you need. 

Relevance of Home Insurance Reform

Many states, such as Florida and Colorado, have created changes in how insurance companies operate. Changes include regulating how much homeowners pay for their insurance coverage. However, Michigan does not have many guidelines or requirements in place for purchasing home insurance policies. Ultimately, insurance companies are not regulated by the state, and because of this, Michigan residents may not be as impacted by insurance reform as residents in other states. 

Michigan Homeowners Insurance Laws

Homeowners insurance is not required by law in Michigan. Because of this, insurance agents must guide and advise Rochester Hills, MI, residents about the different types of coverage to fit their homeownership and insurance needs. However, those financing a home, townhouse, or condominium may be required by the lender to carry a homeowners insurance policy. 

Possible Changes

Possible changes associated with home insurance reform include new regulations to protect both lenders and homeowners. Protection for lenders may impose penalties for borrowers who do not carry a homeowners insurance policy while mortgaging their home. Protector for homeowners may include premiums being regulated, including setting an amount policies can increase each year. 

Those with questions about home insurance reform should call the experts at Guy Hurley McNeil to determine how they could be affected. 

Is Home Insurance Reform on the Horizon?

Homeowner’s insurance should provide various benefits for Michigan homeowners but is often heavily debated and under constant examination. That’s why we at Guy Hurley McNeil have taken a few moments to examine the potential for reforms and how, if they do come, they will help homeowners who feel like their policies are not good enough for the money that they pay for them.

Are Reforms on the Horizon?

In Rochester Hills, MI, home insurance is often dictated by many different factors. However, many in the state have struggled against options like no-fault (which is most commonly an auto insurance factor) and other unique problems that impact how insurance is priced and how policies are decided. As a result, the state’s lawmakers are often heavily debating different reforms that they may pass.

Unfortunately, the state’s uniquely balanced nature between Republicans and Democrats means that few laws ever get passed that benefit the average person. When the Republican-majority House or Senate passes a bill, a Democrat governor may veto it or vice versa. These issues impact homeowners and make it more difficult for them to get the insurance protection they deserve.

How Reforms Would Help

Home insurance reforms could help cut back on expensive costs and expand what these policies cover. Many lawmakers are pushing for such changes throughout the state, hoping to make it simpler for low-income homeowners to find policies that meet their needs without costing too much money.

So if you live in Rochester Hills, MI, and need high-quality home insurance, please contact us at Guy Hurley McNeil right away to learn more. We keep track of all of the different laws in the state and seek to ensure that you get the best policies. Our team is skilled at streamlining your insurance situation and ensuring that you are fully covered in a way that others may not provide for you.

How to deal with large home insurance claims

How to deal with large home insurance claims

Large home insurance claims can be stressful, messy, and confusing. However, it’s imperative that you know what to do when dealing with a significant disaster claim. Remember how fast you act determines how soon you get back to your normal life. Here is what Guy Hurley McNeil recommends doing to get full compensation for your loss.

Review your policy

Every Rochester Hills, MI insurance company has its own way of dealing with insurance claims. Fortunately, everything is well outlined in your insurance policy document. First, you need to know whether the damage or loss is covered in your insurance policy. Next, you need to check the coverage limits to know the amount you will receive as compensation.

Salvage the situation

If you can still do something to prevent further loss without endangering your life, then do it.  As you do so, don’t throw anything away. Take photos if possible, close taps if any are open, and move items you think will get damaged either by fire or water.

Document the damage

The most important thing you can ever do after a big accident at home is document the damage or loss. Take photos and videos showing damage. This will act as evidence, and your insurance company’s adjuster may not interfere with the loss. Have a list of damaged items, year of purchase, and price.

Avoid making assumptions

Assumptions can be costly in large home insurance claims. Therefore, never assume something is covered or not covered. If your Rochester Hills, MI company rejects a claim, it doesn’t mean it’s not covered. Be wise and follow up to make sure you are not being downplayed.

Whether it is fire, theft, or natural disasters, they all touch your softest spot—your family and property. When under extreme personal stress, it’s easy to lose focus and mess up with the claim process. But with a well-organized claim, you can get back everything that belongs to you. For more guidance, contact Guy Hurley McNeil today!

3 Tips for Buying Home Insurance in Rochester Hills, MI

Insuring your home in Rochester Hills, MI should be a top priority. Your home is a valuable asset and one that you don’t want to lose due to a lack of insurance. Protect your home with a home insurance policy in the event something goes wrong. Not sure where to start? Read on to learn more about buying home insurance in Rochester Hills, MI.

1. Work with a Reputable Agent

The first order of business when shopping for a new home insurance policy is to contact a reputable insurance agent. He or she will ask you some questions to find the right quotes to compare. This is a great time to ask all your questions about coverage vs. cost. From here, you’ll compare quotes to find the right policy for your needs.

2. Compare Several Quotes

It is recommended to compare several home insurance quotes before making a decision. Your reputable agent from Guy Hurley McNeil will help you with this. Keep in mind that insurance policies differ when it comes to coverage and price so be sure to review as many quotes as necessary before finding the right one.

3. Bundle Your Policies

Another thing a reputable agent can help you with is bundling your new home insurance policy with your other policies. The carrier you choose to do this with might be one you’ve been working with for years, or you may happen upon a better opportunity and decide to switch carriers. 

To learn more about purchasing a home insurance policy, contact the team at Guy Hurley McNeil. Our reputable agents are standing by right now to take your call. 

Why Home Insurance Regulation Guidelines Are Something Michigan Homeowners Should Keep An Eye On

Based in Rochester Hills, MI, Guy Hurley McNeil serves the community by offering different types of insurance policies. We strive to make sure that our clients are covered when life sends something unexpected their way.

Home Insurance Regulations

As a Michigan homeowner, home insurance is important. The policy allows you to cover your home in the event that your property is damaged. The policy also protects all of the items inside of your home in the event that they are vandalized. You can amend your policy to cover important valuables such as special artwork or jewelry.

 Home insurance allows you to protect your investment. While it’s true that Michigan homeowners do not have to deal with a lot of guidelines in regards to researching home insurance policies, recent news in the other parts of the country is something that may impact things in the future.

State regulatory agencies are monitoring different policies to ensure that homeowners receive the coverage that they deserve. Searching for home insurance can be an overwhelming experience. That is why regulatory agencies strive to help make the process of searching for home insurance a little easier for homeowners.

Consult With Guy Hurley McNeil

If you are a Rochester Hills, MI homeowner who needs some help navigating the process of searching for home insurance, we will assist you. We take pride in guiding our clients through the process and helping them find a unique policy that suits their individual needs.  We are committed to putting the needs of our clients first. For more information on how we can help you find the home insurance coverage that you need, visit our website today!

How is Home Insurance Reform Relevant to me as a Michigan Homeowner?

Michigan residents aren’t required to carry homeowners insurance by law. However, many lenders may still require that homeowners purchase this insurance as a way of protecting their investment-your home. Michigan is also a state that has no regulation of rates when it comes to homeowner’s insurance. This means that insurance companies can set their rates without having to abide by any state regulations. Home insurance reform has impacted states like Florida and Colorado and created change in the way insurance companies can operate as well as how much homeowners pay for insurance. If anything, Michigan residents aren’t faced with a lot of guidelines and requirements when it comes to home insurance. Michigan doesn’t require homeowner’s insurance and home insurance companies aren’t regulated by the state. This is one of the reasons why home insurance reform may not impact Michigan residents as much as it has impacted others in other states.

Michigan Homeowners Insurance Laws

Guy Hurley McNeil is committed to providing understanding and guidance to Rochester Hills, MI residents when it comes to homeowner’s insurance. Because this type of insurance isn’t required in the state of Michigan by law, it’s intensely important that insurance agents guide and advice residents about the type of coverage and insurance that is truly best for their unique situation. If you’re a Michigan resident that’s purchasing a home, most lenders will require that you carry homeowner’s insurance. This is a smart way of protecting their investment int the event of some unforeseen circumstance. If you are financing your home or condo, many lenders will still require you to carry this type of insurance. 

If You Fail to Purchas Homeowners Insurance

If a lender requires you to carry homeowners insurance proof of insurance will be required. If you fail to purchase homeowner’s insurance As a homeowner who is financing their house or condo, the lender has the right to buy the insurance on your behalf and take payments for this insurance through an escrow account. Although this type of insurance isn’t a requirement, homeowners will more than likely still have to invest in it because most homeowners can’t pay for their home outright, they have to finance their home through a lender. Home insurance reform hasn’t impacted the way insurance companies do business in Michigan because this type of insurance isn’t regulated by state law and its not a legal requirement. This makes it necessary for homeowners to carefully compare insurance companies and choose the one that best suits their budget and their unique needs. 

4 unique things that are covered in your home insurance policy

Many homeowners in Rochester Hills, MI, have a basic understanding of home insurance. They understand that home insurance pays for accidents that result in home damage.  However, insurance companies today like Guy Hurley McNeil focus on very many aspects of your home insurance policy to ensure that you are adequately covered. Here are five covered losses that you may not know about.

1. Lawn and landscaping

Did you know that your lawn is covered under home insurance? You are entitled to compensation if a fire started and burnt all your grass or someone drove their car and tore grass. If you did not know, shrubs, trees, and other plants are covered under home insurance.

2. Spoiled food

Whether you’re keeping vegetables or canned food, home insurance covers for spoiled food in case power goes out for too long. Your insurance company should replace the food every time you file a claim for rotten food. However, if it was your fault that the food went bad, don’t bother filing a claim.

3. Terrorist attack

While home insurance covers burglaries and vandalism, very little is said about terrorism, and it still remains an isolated peril.  For as long as the country is not at war, your insurance company should reimburse you for damages caused due to terrorist attacks.

4. Items stolen from your car or office

Did you know that your auto insurance does not cover the items that get stolen while there? Well, if you lose your laptop that was in your car, you will not report to your car insurance but your home insurance company.

We hope you have learned a few things about home insurance. If you have any questions, feel free to reach us at Guy Hurley McNeil in Rochester Hills, MI today!

Why Do I Need Home Insurance?

In most cases, unless your mortgage lender requires it, carrying home insurance is a choice, not a must. When it is not required, people often wonder why they need it and whether they should add on another monthly bill. Here at Guy Hurley McNeil insurance, we want to be sure you know how big of an impact home insurance can make on your life.

Your home is likely your biggest financial investment. If something were to happen to you Rochester Hills, MI home, could you afford the cost to rebuild or buy another home? If a fire broke out and burned down your home, what would happen to your family? Do you have an alternative place to live? Would you be able to pick the pieces of your life back up?

In most cases, the answer is “no”. As homes are such large investments, they can be difficult to replace and rebuild. Though it is not required by law, home insurance is a form of protection that most people cannot do without. In the case of a covered event, your home insurance can cover the costs of the damage or the cost to buy a new home.

Home insurance is something like a savings account that has funds for particular events. You pay your premiums each month. If a covered event occurs, your insurance company will withdraw some of your savings- your policy coverage- to take care of the costs associated with the event.

You may not be required to carry home insurance, but it is something you should seriously consider. There are policies to choose from that can help you bounce back from events such as fire, storm damage, theft, and more. For Rochester Hills, MI residents, give Guy Hurley McNeil a call or stop by today! We can help you personalize your policy to get the coverage you need. 


Choose the Right Additional Home Insurance Coverage to Fit Your Needs

If you’re just about to get home insurance for a new house or when your situation or property changes, it’s a good idea to know what types of additional coverage would benefit you the most. An agent at Guy Hurley McNeil of the Rochester Hills, MI area can help.

Why an Insurance Rider Might be Right for You

An insurance rider, also known as an endorsement or floater, is an add-on to your home insurance policy (or any insurance). It acts to amend the basic policy. When you get a rider, you’ll increase coverage limits, as well as expand or extend protection on a specific property for additional perils. 

Higher Limits for Personal Property 

If any of your personal belongings were to be stolen or damaged in your home or on your person while you’re traveling, it ordinarily would be covered by a basic home insurance policy. However, it may only be for $1,500 or another amount that doesn’t cover higher-ticket valuable items like expensive jewelry or antiques. Some riders allow you to increase the personal property coverage limit for specific items for which there is a higher risk. 

Check Back with Your Insurance Agent Often

It’s in your best interest to sit down with your insurance agent about once a year to discuss any new options or changes with your home or new personal property. They’ll be able to explain coverage gaps and help you figure out the best floaters to fit your needs. 

Here at Guy Hurley McNeil, we’ll be able to assist you with your home insurance coverage questions and concerns. Serving the Rochester Hills, MI area, we’re dedicated to all of our clients.

How To Prep Your Home For Emergencies: 3 Essential Tips

How well prepared is your home for emergencies?

In order to keep your home in good standing in terms of your coverage from Guy Hurley McNeil, it’s essential to prepare for any emergency that could strike from a natural disaster or otherwise. Here are some tips to use when keeping your Rochester Hills, MI home safe.

1. Keep Your Electricity Up To Code

Is your electrical system up to code? Make sure that all of your outlets and wires are properly secured. For instance, none of your wall outlets should be loose, and you shouldn’t overload any of your outlets with too many appliances plugged into one.

Also, remember that extension cords are meant for temporary use only. Furthermore, you should refrain from running your wires under rugs or across the floor in any room.

If you are concerned about an electrical issue in your home, hire a licensed electrician who is authorized to work in Rochester Hills MI to fix it for you. Don’t attempt to fix or change your home’s electricity yourself.

2. Make Sure Your Foundation Is Secure

Is your home’s foundation secure? If you aren’t sure whether your home’s foundation can stand up to an earthquake or a tornado, you should hire a construction specialist to inspect it for you. Aside from that, do your best to keep your basement from flooding. If your home incurs structural damage over time due to a lack of maintenance and professional attention, it can be more vulnerable in the event of a natural disaster.

3. Maintain Your Home Regularly

When a house is maintained regularly, it is less prone to being damaged in a home emergency. For instance, make sure not to stockpile trash (such as unnecessary cardboard boxes) anywhere in your yard or storage space. ensure that your furnace and HVAC systems are clean and in good shape.

Keep all of your alarms (fire alarm and carbon monoxide alarm) in ship shape by testing them regularly and changing batteries as needed.

Do You Need Better Home Insurance Coverage?

If your home is well-maintained and kept in good structural form, it is less vulnerable to damage. However, emergencies can happen anytime. If you want to ensure that you’re fully reimbursed in case of a natural disaster or any other home emergency, talk to our friendly agents at Guy Hurley McNeil about your coverage. Let us help you find the kind of policy you feel safe at home with.